5-The “Sport Migration Integration Platform” by the Council of Europe (since 2016)

Friday 08 November 2019

5-The “Sport Migration Integration Platform” by the Council of Europe (since 2016)


Following its 2016 annual conference, the “Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport” (EPAS) of the Strasbourg-based Council of Europe identified isolation and lack of promotion as pressing concerns for many projects working with newly arrived migrants. In response to this need, it decided to set up an online platform with the aim of indexing and sharing knowledge on good practices at a pan-European level, and of bringing together project owners and other stakeholders concerned.

The platform currently lists 54 different project descriptions from 20 different countries, which are listed in alphabetical order. 25 of them are linked to football. Entries can be sorted according to sports disciplines and countries. New entries can be easily made via a simple online form.

Given the networking purpose of this platform, there is no evaluation of the different projects presented.